JH MacBook Air Checkout

Cokeville JH School

MacBook Air Checkout-Terms of Use


Junior High students do not have the same checkout system for MacBook Airs that the high school uses. Instead, the MacBook Airs are located in the library on carts for class use only.  Only the teachers can checkout out MacBook Airs for students.  Students may check out their MacBook Air during daily for academic purposes only. No exceptions will be made. 


A MacBook Air will be assigned to your student for the school year.  This alleviates overlapping work from another student and not having access for that class period.


Because this MacBook Air is assigned to your student, there are procedures they need to follow in addition to signing the Internet Use Agreement, Student Use Agreement, Digital Citizenship form and Electronic Device Agreement.  The MacBook Air use will be under the direction of the teacher in whose room the MacBook Air cart is.  If a student does not return the MacBook Air the following procedure will be followed.


1st warning:  Student will receive a warning and what will occur if additional

                       instances will be reviewed with the student.

2nd warning:  Student will receive one before school or lunch detention.

3rd warning:  Student will receive two before school or lunch detentions and parents will be notified.

Additional warnings: Students will receive three additional before school or lunch

                        detention for each occurrence.


If a MacBook Air is returned with a broken screen, small cracks or needs some minor repair, a $125.00 fee will be paid by the user.  User also agrees that if any damage should happen due to negligence or intentional harm to the MacBook Air, they are fully responsible for the full replacement of the device.


I have read, understand, and agree to the above criteria, conditions, and consequences in terms regarding the use of the school MacBook Air.



______________________________________________          _____________________

Student                                                                                        Date


______________________________________________          _____________________

Parent                                                                                          Date