October 13, 2020 by pnate
Personal electronic devices, including cell phones, are only permitted in classrooms with specific permission from the classroom teacher. See consequences in the discipline chart. Viewing and/or distribution of pornographic material will be handled on a case-by-case basis as per Board Policy JICJ.
Instructional Electronic Devices for Students
The purpose of the Lincoln County School District #2 One-to-One Digital Learning Environment is to provide continuous use and integration of technology across all environments to:
LCSD#2 Device Use Agreement Plan
Lincoln County School District #2 students have three options available to them through the school district as part of the Digital Learning Implementation. The following items apply to all three options.
Parent / Guardian Name (Please Print): _____________________________________________
Parent Signature ______________________________________________Date: ___________
Student Signature ______________________________________________Date: ___________
The purpose of the Lincoln County School District #2 1:1 Digital Learning Environment is to increase student learning of 21st Century Skills and the Wyoming Content and Performance Standards, through continuous use and integration of technology across learning environments including school, home, and community. To achieve this, the district is providing iPads for all students in grades 9-12.
Option #1- Purchase
Annual Use Agreement Cost – Non-Refundable & Non-Transferrable | Replacement or Repair Cost (1st Occurrence*) Additional occurrences at LCSD2 will result in full cost of the repair. | Purchase cost |
$60 | $200 | Purchase price at graduation or dis-enrollment will be based on the current value of the device less any Use Agreement Costs paid. |
* A $200.00 fee will be charged for repairs and/or replacement for the 1st occurrence. Students will be responsible to pay full repair costs for subsequent incidents. A pattern of misuse or damage to the Device by the student will result in limited device availability during school hours. Replacement devices may not be an equivalent.
INTENTIONAL DAMAGE/LOSS – Student/Parents are responsible for full payment of intentional damage or loss of the device and accessories. Warranty and the Use Agreement DOES NOT cover intentional damage of devices.
_______ ($60.00) Yes, I choose to participate in the device Use Agreement with purchase, as stated above, available through the school district.
Option #2- No Purchase
By selecting Option #2, I choose not to participate in the purchase of the device. However, I understand a device will be issued to my student. I agree to pay the full cost of repair or replacement should the device become damaged, lost, or stolen.
_______ I choose not to participate in the purchase of an device as outlined in Use Agreement- Option #2 as outlined above. I agree to pay the full cost of repair or replacement should the device become damaged, lost, or stolen.
Option #3- School Use Only
_______ I understand an electronic device will be made available for my student during the school day. No device will be issued for personal use off campus.
Students will comply at all times with the LCSD#2 Instructional Device Agreement. Any failure to comply may terminate the student’s rights of possession, effective immediately, and the district may repossess the device. Any lost, stolen, or damaged devices must be reported to school authorities immediately.
Instructional Use Agreement
LCSD#2 has legal title to the property at all times. The student’s right of possession and use is limited to and conditioned upon full and complete compliance with this agreement. Students will be required to read and comply with the LCSD#2 Internet Use Agreement. (EDC-R)
Teachers and staff may also set additional requirements for use within classrooms, lunchrooms, etc.
LCSD#2 reserves the right to confiscate and search a device to ensure compliance with the Internet Use Agreement and/or the Instructional Device Agreement.
LCSD#2 reserves the right to restrict apps or other content from being installed onto the device.
Students will be given the opportunity, upon exiting, to purchase their device at a tiered rate set by the district.
Loss, Theft or Damage
Should a device be damaged, lost, or stolen the student or parent/guardian should immediately notify the school administration. If a device is stolen the student/guardian should file a police report as soon as possible. If the device is lost, stolen, or damaged as a result of irresponsible behavior, the parent may be responsible for the full replacement cost.
In the event of a lost or stolen device a police report will be filed and LCSD#2 may deploy location software to aid in recovering the device. Students who are no longer enrolled in LCSD#2 must return the device, along with any other accessories, at the time they leave. Use Agreement funds will not be refunded.
If the student does not return the device the school resource officer will be notified and the device will be considered stolen.
Monitoring and Supervision
Applications (Apps) will be downloaded (synced) at school. School owned devices may be synced to a student’s personal account, however, in the event the device runs out of memory, all such personal content will be subject to deletion to make room for required instructional content. Likewise, students may also load apps that are not part of the required instructional program, however, in the event the device runs out of memory, all such apps and content will be subject to deletion. LCSD#2 will not be liable for lost or erased personal data or content. Apps or content purchased, downloaded, or created by the student are not the responsibility of the district.
Mobile Technology Precautions
Cyber Bullying
The highest level of Digital Citizenship is expected from each student. Electronic devices and network access will be available to students who adhere to the strict level of Digital Citizenship. LCSD#2 policy, JICFA, strictly prohibits cyber bullying. Cyber-bullying is bullying through the use of technology or any electronic means. State law prohibits bullying.
Harassment, intimidation or bullying means any intentional gesture or any intentional written, verbal or physical act that a reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of:
“Written” acts include, but are not limited to handwriting or typed communications, e-mails, text messages, blogs and other forms of electronic communications.
A “school” as defined in this policy includes a classroom or other location on school premises, a school bus or other school related vehicle, a school bus stop, an activity or event sponsored by a school, whether or not it is held on school premises, and any other program or function where the school is responsible for the children. (LCSD#2 Policy JICFA) (WY Stat § 21-4-313)
Students using school issued electronic devices or the district network to participate in Cyber Bullying may lose possession and access to both the device and the network. Students who engage in cyber bullying, harassment or intimidation shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion. (JICFA)
Student Responsibilities
Maintaining and Safeguarding
Prohibited Use of the device
Student Pledge
(Please put your initials on the line after each statement once you have read it. Your initials on the line signify you are in agreement).
Students will complete a Canvas course quiz reviewing the handbook and sign this form electronically during the first few weeks of school.