October 7, 2020 by pnate
Students participating in school activities are NOT to be transported in private vehicles without the expressed, WRITTENconsent of the building principal and arranged at least 24 hours in advance of the activity.
Students who are transported to an event with a team or group will return with the team or group. The following exceptions mayapply:
A student may be released to his/her parent(s) by signing the Alternative Transportation Request form at the time of a contest oractivity. The coach should have this form.
Students may be released to a person other than a parent only if all four conditions listed below are met or approved by a principalor athletic director.
1. The parent must make a written request to the Athletic Director naming the person that is to be responsible for the student.
2. The parent must make direct contact, phone or in person, with the athletic director or principal. (The athletic director orprincipal will agree or disagree with the request at the time of personal contact.)
3. The party to whom the student is to be released MUST be 21 or older.
4. The student will be released only after face-to-face contact with the coach, student and approved responsible party.
Under NO circumstances will a student leave the school provided transportation without the knowledge and approval of a memberof the coaching staff.
Written request must be made on the appropriate form releasing the coach and the school district of their obligation to providesafe transportation.
In case of injury during an athletic event, the injured student may be given permission to travel home with parents with the knowledge and consent of the coach or sponsor of the event.